One Nation Indivisible featured on Teaching Tolerance Blog
One Nation Indivisible is honored to be the topic of a recent Teaching Tolerance blog post, and we’re eager to receive a huge batch of inspiring stories from around the country! Please share this exciting news with your friends.
Share your story with us
The people who embody the values underlying integration efforts live and work and learn in cities, small towns, rural communities and suburbs all across America. Help us find them by sharing your story!
Stop by and say hello at the “Save Our Schools” conference
See One Nation Indivisible’s work in action at the Save Our Schools conference this Friday from 4:00pm-5:30pm in Washington, DC. We organized a workshop entitled “School Diversity: Building a Movement for Racial and Socioeconomic Integration,” featuring members of the National Coalition on School Diversity and educators/organizers from New York, NY and Omaha, NE.
More information here.
“Have We Learned Our Language Lesson?”
Ten years after a contentious English-only law that effectively banned bilingual education in Massachusetts’ public schools, a handful of culturally and linguistically integrated dual immersion schools provide a hopeful contrast to a largely disappointing “English-only” mandate. You’ll find June’s Story From the Field here.
One district’s tough road toward equity for all kids
An insightful and informative piece from the Washington Post by Melissa Krull, the former superintendent in Eden Prairie, MN and a fair-minded, insightful and courageous leader.
April’s “Story From the Field” Looks at a Model of Economic Inclusion in North Carolina
Community organizer and activist John Herrera recalls a time not long ago when “criminals knew that the easiest way to make money is you rob a Mexican or Latino immigrant any Friday afternoon on payday and you get cash.” In response, leaders launched a credit union to serve North Carolina’s growing immigrant population and help to create a more prosperous and safer community for everyone. Read the story (and view ONI’s first narrative slideshow) here.
Building a Better Southern Strategy in Multiracial Mississippi
Last year, a virus of draconian anti-immigrant legislation spread through the southeastern United States, finding eager hosts in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. But it met a surprising death upon reaching Mississippi. It was killed by a multiracial political coalition nurtured by diverse membership and led largely by African American legislators who years ago decided to take on the immigrants’ cause as their own. Read the story here.
One Nation Indivisible Publishes First “Story from the Field”
Educators in Eden Prairie, MN take action to reduce segregation and raise cultural awareness and must stand their ground against fierce opposition from a privileged class in a racially changing suburb. In this Story from the Field, we learn that courage and flexibility may be the qualities educators in the changing American suburb need most of all. But in the long term, unless state and national government leaders affirm a vision of integration and develop clear plans for achieving it, forward thinking suburban educators like Eden Prairie’s will be left on their own and unjustly vulnerable as they face some of the most vexing challenges of our time.
Susan Eaton featured on “Where We Live Hartford”
One Nation Indivisible’s Susan Eaton will be featured on WNPR’s “Where We Live” between 9-10am EST on February 21, 2012. Listen if you can! The broadcast is available here.
The Topic: “With the state legislative session underway – advocacy groups are talking about their ‘priorities.’ And in this ‘education session’ – many of those priorities have to do with education and funding education.” ONI’s Susan Eaton and Liz Dupont-Diehl from the Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS) discussed a new CAHS report, entitled Opportunity in Connecticut: The Impact of Poverty, Race and Education on Family Economic Success.
One Nation Indivisible featured on Teaching Tolerance Blog
One Nation Indivisible is honored to be the topic of a recent Teaching Tolerance blog post, and we’re eager to receive a huge batch of inspiring stories from around the country! Please share this exciting news with your friends.
Share your story with us
The people who embody the values underlying integration efforts live and work and learn in cities, small towns, rural communities and suburbs all across America. Help us find them by sharing your story!
Stop by and say hello at the “Save Our Schools” conference
See One Nation Indivisible’s work in action at the Save Our Schools conference this Friday from 4:00pm-5:30pm in Washington, DC. We organized a workshop entitled “School Diversity: Building a Movement for Racial and Socioeconomic Integration,” featuring members of the National Coalition on School Diversity and educators/organizers from New York, NY and Omaha, NE.
More information here.
“Have We Learned Our Language Lesson?”
Ten years after a contentious English-only law that effectively banned bilingual education in Massachusetts’ public schools, a handful of culturally and linguistically integrated dual immersion schools provide a hopeful contrast to a largely disappointing “English-only” mandate. You’ll find June’s Story From the Field here.
One district’s tough road toward equity for all kids
An insightful and informative piece from the Washington Post by Melissa Krull, the former superintendent in Eden Prairie, MN and a fair-minded, insightful and courageous leader.
April’s “Story From the Field” Looks at a Model of Economic Inclusion in North Carolina
Community organizer and activist John Herrera recalls a time not long ago when “criminals knew that the easiest way to make money is you rob a Mexican or Latino immigrant any Friday afternoon on payday and you get cash.” In response, leaders launched a credit union to serve North Carolina’s growing immigrant population and help to create a more prosperous and safer community for everyone. Read the story (and view ONI’s first narrative slideshow) here.
Building a Better Southern Strategy in Multiracial Mississippi
Last year, a virus of draconian anti-immigrant legislation spread through the southeastern United States, finding eager hosts in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. But it met a surprising death upon reaching Mississippi. It was killed by a multiracial political coalition nurtured by diverse membership and led largely by African American legislators who years ago decided to take on the immigrants’ cause as their own. Read the story here.
One Nation Indivisible Publishes First “Story from the Field”
Educators in Eden Prairie, MN take action to reduce segregation and raise cultural awareness and must stand their ground against fierce opposition from a privileged class in a racially changing suburb. In this Story from the Field, we learn that courage and flexibility may be the qualities educators in the changing American suburb need most of all. But in the long term, unless state and national government leaders affirm a vision of integration and develop clear plans for achieving it, forward thinking suburban educators like Eden Prairie’s will be left on their own and unjustly vulnerable as they face some of the most vexing challenges of our time.
Susan Eaton featured on “Where We Live Hartford”
One Nation Indivisible’s Susan Eaton will be featured on WNPR’s “Where We Live” between 9-10am EST on February 21, 2012. Listen if you can! The broadcast is available here.
The Topic: “With the state legislative session underway – advocacy groups are talking about their ‘priorities.’ And in this ‘education session’ – many of those priorities have to do with education and funding education.” ONI’s Susan Eaton and Liz Dupont-Diehl from the Connecticut Association for Human Services (CAHS) discussed a new CAHS report, entitled Opportunity in Connecticut: The Impact of Poverty, Race and Education on Family Economic Success.